Restraining Orders

What is a Restraining Order?

When a restraining order is issued it generally means you cannot go near the party who asked for the order. Often, you cannot communicate with them in any way and cannot go to places where they are likely to be like their home, school, church, etc.

Restraining orders can offer immediate protection to people who have faced threats or been abused. If a restraining order is granted, the police have the authority to arrest and take to jail the restrained party if they violate any term of the order. 

The restraining order process usually entails an initial hearing where the court wants to know if the restrained person will agree to the order. If you intend to fight the restraining order, you must attend this hearing. If you fail to appear, the court often grants the orders the restrained party loses the chance to defend themselves. 

Someone who has been served with restraining or protective orders often encounter a number of difficult problems that I can help them solve. These problems include obtaining clothes or personal items from their home, communicating with the protected party to ensure that bills keep getting paid, and protecting their interest in continuing to see their children when the protected party is a spouse or partner. 

Do you need advice or guidance about a restraining order? We are here to help!

Contact Us Today!